All goods will be sent either by DPD or the appropriate courier.
Please inspect your order upon delivery. If your outer package is damaged please do not accept the goods.
On acceptance of your goods, if you find them faulty then please contact the online team to explain the problem. The online team can be contacted by email ( . We endeavour to do our best to rectify your issue but sometimes we will need to have the goods returned to us.
We will arrange for a courier to pick the goods up from you or you can return them in person.
We ask that you pack the goods the same way that they arrived and that all parts and manuals are included.
Assuming, on receipt of the goods, we find the fault is genuine we will replace the goods and send them back to you at no cost to you.
If, on receipt of the goods, we find no issue or damage to the item then you will be charged the full return costs of the goods (if you requested a courier).
If you change your mind and do not wish to keep the goods then you have 28 days to return them to us for a full refund less the full return cost of the goods. The items must be returned unused and in the original packaging.
If you decide to cancel your order after the goods have been despatched, we will deduct the courier return fee from your refund.
All Refunds will be returned on the card you used for payment of the goods. Please allow 5 working days for the refund to reach your account.
Parcels returned to us undelivered or refused are charged at £10 to help cover the Courier charge, any additional distance charges may also be added. This is not charged on agreed returns.
For items delivered on pallets, i.e. furniture, compost and large items which are returned to us or refused are charged at £60 per pallet.